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We've found 4 jobs matching your criteria

  • Windows
  • Full-time
  • Remote

Limitless (Previously Rewind) | Full-time | Remote | https://limitless.ai

At Limitless, our vision is to free the human mind from its biological limits. Limitless is a web app, Mac app, Windows app, and wearable that records what you've seen, said, or heard and makes it useful. Our investors include Sam Altman, Alexis Ohanian, a16z, First Round, NEA, and many others. We are a well-funded, 20-person, remote-first startup.

We are hiring for:

Head of Marketing - https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/limitless/e2610a8f-ab1d-4d62-8d04-8...

Principal Product Designer - https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/limitless/54e86ff0-58f8-4c6b-830b-1...

Principal Design Engineer - https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/limitless/6f08f6fb-ffab-4919-82ed-8...

Senior / Staff Software Engineer (Generalist) - https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/limitless/0911717b-0a69-406a-a494-1...

Senior / Staff Software Engineer (Frontend) - https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/limitless/ba133a68-e121-466c-97d7-0...

For more information about our benefits and culture (including quarterly retreats, office reimbursement, final week of the year off, etc), check out our careers page - https://limitless.ai/careers

Posted 24 days ago

  • C
  • C++
  • Windows
  • Full-time
  • Remote

DuckDuckGo | Multiple Roles | Remote | Full-time | $176k USD + equity

We are looking for candidates that are excited to join us on a mission to raise the standard of trust online. All of our roles are fully-remote, except where specific locations are noted.

Remote Open Roles at DuckDuckGo:

Senior Backend Engineer - $176k + equity — https://duckduckgo.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-engineer-r...

Senior C++ Engineer - $176k + equity — https://duckduckgo.recruitee.com/o/senior-windows?source=Hac...

Posted 25 days ago

  • Kotlin
  • Rust
  • Swift
  • .NET
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Full-time
  • Remote

eQualitie (https://equalit.ie) | File System integration developer (with priority on iOS/macOS) | Full-time | REMOTE (Preferred CET ± 3h)

We are a small team working on an open-source, encrypted, peer-to-peer file system synchronization software (https://ouisync.net). The synchronization part is written in Rust and the GUI part is written in Flutter. We have integration with Linux (FUSE), Windows (Dokan), Android (ContentProvider, integration with Storage Access Framework is planned) and we're currently working on iOS/macOS using the File Provider Extension.

We are looking for a developer to help us with these integrations.

Ideal candidate will have a subset of these skills:

- In depth knowledge of the iOS and/or macOS OS

- Ability and desire to work across multiple languages: Swift, Dart, Rust, Kotlin

- Experience with Apple's File Provider Extension

- Experience with the Storage Access Framework on Android

If interested, please reach us at ouisync-hire@equalitie.org

Posted 26 days ago

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Jenkins
  • Machine Learning
  • Hybrid

Stellar Science | Hybrid USA Washington DC (Tysons VA), Albuquerque NM, Dayton OH | Full time, INTERNS/co-ops | U.S. citizenship required | https://www.stellarscience.com

Company: We're a small scientific software development company that develops custom scientific and engineering analysis applications in domains including: computer vision and image processing, space situational awareness (monitoring the locations, health and status of on-orbit satellites), metamaterials design, image simulation, high power microwave systems, modeling and simulation, AI/ML including physics-informed neural networks (PINN), human body thermoregulation, laser systems modeling, high performance computing (HPC), computer aided design (CAD), and more. All exciting applications and no CRUD. We emphasize high quality code and lightweight processes that free software engineers to be productive.

Experience: Other than interns, we currently require a Bachelors degree in computer science, physics, engineering, math, or a related field, plus 3 years of work experience, or a Masters or PhD in lieu of work experience. (Roughly 30% of our staff have PhDs.)

Technologies: Mostly C++20/23, Qt 6.5, CMake, Boost, Jenkins, git, OpenGL, CUDA. Windows and Linux, msvc/gcc/clang/clangcl. Some projects use Python, Java, or Javascript.

Apply online at https://www.stellarscience.com/careers/.

Posted 26 days ago

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